Meet Yi Wei in the morning to go see doctor at 8.30 -.- waited bus 502 but end up in cab because i waited for 502 but 2 of 502a came -.- it was like half an hour so instead of bus i took cab . Queue for the number . See the doctor and paid . And out of a sudden I just remembered I've got rashes last time and i introduce him the watery medicine to apply on the body . Back to Yi Wei house , he took his medicine and i told him to apply the medicine on his body . He poured so many and put it all over his body . WTF ? after he apply , his whole body was full of the thingy . HAHAHAHA !
And then meet up Tabitha at Clementi . Accompany her to Clementi's Poly Clinic .
About 4.45 me and Yi Wei left . Bus home because I'd to report at TPY later .
Then 5 plus wait for father . And went to 215 to have my lunch with my father .
MCYS ! Report . Home . Then the one stupid thing happen . My sister know I came back and she opened her door . See what me and my young brother were doing . And SLAM ! LOCKED !
And I try it on my door , again and again , to make her agitated and come out . It works ! she came out . I demonstrate it to her what she'll everytime do . She's pissed and SHE FUCKING SLAMMED THE DOOR AND LOCKED IT AGAIN !
Then i punch the door hardly and kicked it . And i shouted her again "IF YOU DARE , YOU SLAM AGAIN " She come out went to the toilet . closed it nicely :D me laughed loudly!
This is not bullying to me because she throws her attitude every where like it's free flow -.-If you're my brother you will understand :D
Mind FuckFuck the thing i have now . It's giving my frustration . Every single thing i can't do . Every where my friends can go now at night , i can't . Super fucked up . This is what fuels up my anger right now . I hope that everything could end now .
End of story .