November 30, 2010

November 30

Last day of November was quite acceptable . Today woke up 6.45am in the morning spam called
Ah bi cause he was sleeping like a dead man -.-From 6.45am spam called till 7.10am .And then he wakes up . yeah so meet him and Belinder at Je MRT . waited the bus to office . today's work was not so bored because i had other things to do :D but I'll need to perspire a bit of carrying the things here and there . From 1pm to end of work . Tml I'll have more easier stuffs to do . Was happy after work cause jade finally meet up ! haha :D meet up at imm , went to kopitiam to have my dinner . slack awhile and bus home.

end of story :(

November 23, 2010

November 23

Time really flies when you're having fun . Its November 23rd now . Yeah so my probation is ending soon :D i can't really think of it . Alright lets talk about today. Meet up ah boy at his house around 2.30 plus then took 502 bus to dhoby ghaut and find my mom for awhile :D Basically i ask him out is just to chill , yeah so we went to raffles city first . Because he wanted to meet his "future" girlfriend but end up he don't want to so we train to Bugis Junction .Both of us haven't eaten so we had Pastamania ! Walked awhile , And when i saw North Bridge Road then i remembered of Head Porter and i want to take a look at the bag i wanted . After that we tried to find the shop , It was hard at first so boy used his iphone ! Eventually we found the shop . Wow , one plain tee there cost 300 bucks. And i found my Pokadotz bag ! Swee targeted ! The bag cost 390 bucks ! In any ways I'm gonna buy the bag . Super nice ! After my satisfactory then i went to iluma to queue up for KOI ! Shared with ah boy because i can't have it all . Ordered large milk tea . Then gone to Bugis Street to buy Boy's sandal . Cost him 39.90 bucks . Bought and head home after that .

End of story :D

November 21, 2010

Syukri's birthday !

Celebrate Syukri's birthday at town . Meet Jia Min and Nazhirah first at Jurong Mrt .Then meet up with Syukri they all at Shaw House's MacDonald . And headed straight to Cineleisure to get the tickets .The Harry Potter show is at 5.30pm the duration was okay .Tickets bought and went to burger king and have my lunch . Went straight to the theater after eating .
It ended at 7.55pm . It was awesome ! rating 9/10 . Sadly we need to sit on the first row because the movie just came out not long . Rushed home after that .

End Of Story :D

November 20, 2010

November 20th

Town ftw ! with Ah boy . He is off today so he can accompany me :D 502 to orchard . Because the MRT on the Saturday is confirm full -.- Drop on lucky plaza and went straight to Herren . Got my black hoodie :D Then went to cineleisure and had Ice Rockz . After that Ion . Actually I was buying the top man black jeans . But it looks like skinny jeans , so end up buying a Fred Perry shirt (Y) ! Awhile later i insisted on eating Xin Wang cause im craving for it . So walked back to cine . Basically Ion's Xin Wang also confirm full because of Saturday -.-But during the walk to cine , saw a road show for UOB or what credit card commercial i think ? And i saw many people in a blue suit all the way to the head , standing there not moving any single bit . I thought it was a flash mob event but nah . They look like blue condoms HAHA ! Saw many Wooohoo :D hahaha ! So Xin Wang at cine . Walk for awhile to digest . Then head to the bus stop and took 502 home again ! It was a 1 hours trip for me ! my butts are very numb after i reached my stop .

End Of story :D

November 16, 2010

November 16

Today gone to Orchard wheelock to interview . But the staff place a notice paper said " NO MORE INTERVIEW " i was like fuck ! wasted trip ! But never mind . Had Xing Wang Hong Kong Cafe with Qiu Xia . We eat till so full ! even i can't finish . Then Qiu Xia ! She paid first and i say i pay her later but she insisted on treating me ! wtf . I keep pestering her and ask her how much , she don't want to say . It was quite boring today because it was raining just now . reached home about 8.30 .

End of Story :D

November 15, 2010

Puzzled and content with anger .

Meet Yi Wei in the morning to go see doctor at 8.30 -.- waited bus 502 but end up in cab because i waited for 502 but 2 of 502a came -.- it was like half an hour so instead of bus i took cab . Queue for the number . See the doctor and paid . And out of a sudden I just remembered I've got rashes last time and i introduce him the watery medicine to apply on the body . Back to Yi Wei house , he took his medicine and i told him to apply the medicine on his body . He poured so many and put it all over his body . WTF ? after he apply , his whole body was full of the thingy . HAHAHAHA !
And then meet up Tabitha at Clementi . Accompany her to Clementi's Poly Clinic .
About 4.45 me and Yi Wei left . Bus home because I'd to report at TPY later .

Then 5 plus wait for father . And went to 215 to have my lunch with my father .
MCYS ! Report . Home . Then the one stupid thing happen . My sister know I came back and she opened her door . See what me and my young brother were doing . And SLAM ! LOCKED !
And I try it on my door , again and again , to make her agitated and come out . It works ! she came out . I demonstrate it to her what she'll everytime do . She's pissed and SHE FUCKING SLAMMED THE DOOR AND LOCKED IT AGAIN !
Then i punch the door hardly and kicked it . And i shouted her again "IF YOU DARE , YOU SLAM AGAIN " She come out went to the toilet . closed it nicely :D me laughed loudly!
This is not bullying to me because she throws her attitude every where like it's free flow -.-If you're my brother you will understand :D

Mind Fuck
Fuck the thing i have now . It's giving my frustration . Every single thing i can't do . Every where my friends can go now at night , i can't . Super fucked up . This is what fuels up my anger right now . I hope that everything could end now .

End of story .

November 13, 2010

November 13

Intend to go town today with Gary , Wei Sheng and Alex . Meet them at Jurong East MRT platform and saw Jun qing , he was going to work with Xuan Wei as a steward .Then I called Yi Wei earlier and ask him want to tag along but he was sleeping . So train to Cineleisure straight and had my blueberry yakult at Ice Rockz . Went to Cine Shopping Centre .Today I've no intention of buying things but end up with 2 Volta's shirt -.- Herren after that and walk awhile .We saw Flesh Imp . Gary and Alex had a great day there because they spent about 200 plus bucks altogether . They accuse me and say it was my fault because i brought them to town today in the end i didn't bought anything more except my Volta's . HAHAHA !

They already plan to watched a night movie but didn't decide it where . It is almost time for me to go home but i don't want to ! Hope my probation can end earlier :D
Meet up Gary's girlfriend at Plaza Sing entrance . Awhile later , Wei Sheng says he's hungry and I'm too . So we went to the Food Court . I was craving for my favorite japanese dish which is Unagi rice ! and i queue up for it . Okay everybody got their food . I finished my food first because I'm in the rush to go home . Then Gary suddenly show us his bowl and say " what the fuck is this ? " Then i saw A WORM IN IS FOOD ! Swee !They intend to tell the owner. But sadly i need to leave and didn't know what happened after that . Left them at 7.45pm rush to MRT . reached home about 8.50pm .

And I want to share this video i cried twice when i watch this video .

End of story :D

November 12, 2010

November 12

Yesterday planned to meet up Kai Lin and Qiu Xia . So today meet them both at Clementi KOI(Y)
Bought KOI though there's a long queue . Kai Lin have to go at 5 -.- so we bus home after Koi . Meet up Jian Wei and his girlfriend at 244 . Saw Wei Cong and Bernard . Slack for awhile . Bus home about 6 .

She's disgusted and shocked .


Qiu xia 's Epic faces HAHAH ! I'm having insomnia then ask her to webcam .
Funny ttm hahaha :D

End of Story :D

November 11, 2010


Meet up Ah Boy at Jurong Point .And he wanted to buy a belt for his work and i told him G2000 has nice office wear . So we got into G2000 and buy his belt . I insist on going Imm because there's no The Body Shop in Jurong Point . Boy says Eddy's coming then we continue walking till he comes . Meet up Eddy , bought his things . MRT to Imm . Lunch at Mos Burger , and got my pimple thingy at The Body Shop . Went to Cotton On , bought the 2 bucks slipper because i don't own any slippers . Then Boy sign his plan at M1 for Iphone 4 . Saw Shanice but didn't call her . Ah boy got his phone and gone to buy his screen and casing protector . And again saw Tesle and Li yang working at pepper lunch . At 5 plus bus home .

End of story :D

November 10, 2010

November 10

Normal day , woke up at 11 plus as usual . Meeting Alex at Imm for pepper lunch . Took 502 bus at about 2.30pm . In the half way through Boon Lay to Jurong East , when the bus driver stopped at the traffic light and it turns green . The bus driver STONE in the middle of the traffic for like 5 minutes . I thought what happen . And when other bus driver drove pass him , he horn him and go off . LOL . what was the bus driver thinking at the time . Never mind . Met Alex at pepper lunch , Cotton On after that and saw a super duper cheap slipper . Because it only cost 2 bucks . I was shocked and we continue . I want to get a hair cut but don't know where . Then i went to the usual place where i usually cut my hair . Jurong West , Xquizit . Saw an uncle asking us for money during Imm bus stop . I pity him but i don't want to give him the money because i scared its a scam then my bus came . And another small boy asking us for help ? or something like that . Ignored .

Few minutes later my hair was almost done . The same small boy came in and said loudly " I WANT TO DYE MY HAIR BLUE ! " Me and alex laughed . Cause his hair is almost botak . LOL ! Mart after hair done . Slack about 8 sharp and off i go .

End of story :)

November 9, 2010


Well basically , i just wanted to have my blog back and there it is ! My first post . Yeah i hope you would like it with the template I'm using now . Just kinda bored .

And lets talk about today then .

Today , nothing special just another day rotting at home . About 2 plus in the afternoon Xuan Wei call and insist on coming my house to take songs . He reached about 3 plus . He played DOTA and took some songs . I'm famished cause I haven eaten my lunch . Went to Gekpo got my facial foam , bubble tea , wanton mee and bee hoon kuey . And i check my wallet and i'm left with 12 bucks . Because i'd 30 bucks on my wallet just now !!! Gone home and Xuan Wei left .

Yeah so today story ends here :)